We aim for the best quality and precision

Wireless remote meter-reading control service
for LPG distributors

Woojin Korecen, a company specializing in digital convergence,
helps customers improve their management efficiency and become globally competitive through IoT technology

We aim for the best quality and precision

Wireless remote meter-reading control service for LPG distributors

Woojin Korecen, a company specializing in digital convergence,
helps customers improve their management efficiency and become globally competitive through IoT technology

We aim for the best quality and precision

We aim for the best quality and precision

Monitoring of LPG use

Able to monitor information about LPG level and use / Confirm accurate amount of gas remaining in LPG bulk tanks by reading the gas meter / Provide data after analyzingpatterns of charging cycles

Reliability of inspection data

Monitor accurate use by a digital system / Provide high accuracy by collecting data about remaining quantity and consumption / Re-transmission in case of any failure to transmit data (up to three times)

Support mobile web/app

Collect and provide data about LPG gas level and consumption / Provide data after monitoring remaining battery level / Provide information about LPG containers/ switchers / Cloud-based ERP interlocking (Coming soon)

Automatic LTE/3G backup

Provide the nation’s highest-quality SK Telecom communication networks / Latest CAT.M1/LoRa/LTE communication systems / Automatic 3G backup in case of LTE communication errors and shadows

Support monitoring cycle setup

Provide highly reliable data through setting up monitoring cycles / Set up monitoring cycles (two, four times/day) / Provide setup of specified monitoring cycles

Stable power supply

Removable battery system solving problems of solar batteries / Provide batteries usable for over five years based on excellent technology / Batteries of charging methods reusable for more than 10 years

We aim for the best quality and precision

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